That's actually where I will be for the next week. I did get the apartment I wanted, but I can't move in until the week after, so I'm crashing at her place. It also happens to be her birthday today and since I'm going to be there tomorrow, I made her S'mores Cups to hand deliver instead of mailing them (as I did with these granola bars). I figured chocolate isn't the greatest thing to be mailing around in the summer, though I'm not sure how much better they will fare in my car.

It's been a while since I've posted here and I do apologize for the lack of activity. As it got closer to my departure date, I suddenly got busy with shopping, cleaning, and packing. I got new work-appropriate clothes and new furniture for the apartment. I've also just been trying to spend more time with my family. Driving 6 1/2 hours isn't as much fun anymore and I'd rather not my parents do that as it can be really tiring.

I used the standard size muffin paper cups. I kept them in a stack and held it in my left hand while layering on the chocolate with my right. I tried taking one out of the stack and then layering, but pushing the chocolate onto the sides were making the cups wider and too big. I bought the giant one-pound jar of Marshmallow Fluff and used the whole thing. I was pretty surprised! Then I layered on some Teddy Grahams and covered the whole thing with MORE chocolate. You can never go wrong with the trio that make up S'mores. But it sure was a sticky mess to make these. I might go for smaller versions next time or just try covering marshmallows with chocolate and crushed graham crackers for an even easier version.

I provided the recipe here, but check out the source for step-by-step pictures. There's also a recipe for Homemade Reese's, so you should make those, too!
S'mores Cups [Makes 4 to 6 large]
From The Hungry Mouse
3 to 4 cups chocolate chips [I used semi-sweet but any will do]
1 cup Marshmallow Fluff
2 graham crackers, broken in pieces [or honey Teddy Grahams]
Set a pot with an inch of water on the stove over high heat. Bring the water up to a boil, then drop the heat to low. Set a large, heat-proof bowl on top of the pot. Add your chocolate to the bowl. It should immediately start to melt. Stir it with a spatula until it’s completely melted. This should only take a few minutes. When it’s totally melted, turn the stove off and set the bowl on a board to cool.
Put a spoonful of chocolate in the middle of a muffin paper cup. Using the back of your spoon, smoosh the chocolate around so that it completely coats the inside of the muffin liner. Set it aside on a baking sheet or plate that will fit in the fridge. Repeat with the rest of the muffin liners until they’re all coated. When your cups are all filled, pop them into the fridge for about a half an hour, until the chocolate is totally solid. When you’re ready to fill them, take them out of the fridge.
Fill the bottom of the cup a little more than halfway full with marshmallow fluff. Set a piece of a graham cracker on top of the fluff. Press it down gently. Top with melted chocolate. Spread the chocolate around with the back of a spoon to completely seal in the filling. Set aside on a plate or tray. Repeat as needed.
When all your cups are filled and topped with chocolate, pop your candy into the fridge to let the chocolate harden up. Give them an hour, at least, depending on how thick your top layer of chocolate is.
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